all_lineage_prevalences(location, startswith)
- outbreak_data.all_lineage_prevalences(location, ndays=180, nday_threshold=10, other_threshold=0.05, other_exclude=None, cumulative=None, server='', auth=None, startswith=None)
Loads prevalence data from a location
- Arguments:
- location:
A string
- other_threshold (Default:
Minimum prevalence threshold below which lineages must be accumulated under “Other”.
- nday_threshold (Default:
Minimum number of days in which the prevalence of a lineage must be below other_threshold to be accumulated under “Other”.
- ndays (Default:
The number of days before the current date to be used as a window to accumulate lineages under “Other”.
- other_exclude:
Comma separated lineages that are NOT to be included under “Other” even if the conditions specified by the three thresholds above are met.
- cumulative:
(Default: false) If true return the cumulative prevalence.:startswith: A string; loads data for all lineages beginning with first letter(s) of name
- return:
A pandas dataframe
Example usage:
#Find the prevalence all lineages in Argentina that begin with 'xbb.1'
df = od.prevalence_by_location("ARG", startswith = 'xbb.1')
date total_count lineage_count lineage prevalence \
1454 2022-10-12 3 1 xbb.1 0.333333
1455 2022-10-13 0 0 xbb.1 0.000000
1456 2022-10-14 0 0 xbb.1 0.000000
1457 2022-10-15 0 0 xbb.1 0.000000
1458 2022-10-16 0 0 xbb.1 0.000000
... ... ... ... ... ...
1673 2023-03-17 0 0 xbb.1.5 0.000000
1674 2023-03-18 0 0 xbb.1.5 0.000000
1675 2023-03-19 0 0 xbb.1.5 0.000000
1676 2023-03-20 0 0 xbb.1.5 0.000000
1677 2023-03-21 1 1 xbb.1.5 1.000000
1454 0.350000
1455 0.179487
1456 0.109375
1457 0.065421
1458 0.058577
... ...
1673 1.000000
1674 1.000000
1675 1.000000
1676 1.000000
1677 1.000000
[224 rows x 6 columns]