Returns a dataframe describing the fields included when making calls to the genomics API.
#> |API Field |Documentation |
#> |:---------------------|:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
#> |date |Sequence collection date, in YYYY-MM-DD format |
#> |lineage |Pango lineage |
#> |lineage_count |Total number of samples on a given day assigned to the Pango lineage |
#> |lineage_count_rolling |7 day rolling average of samples assigned to the Pango lineage on that day |
#> |prevalence |Estimated prevalence of the variant on that day |
#> |prevalence_rolling |7 day rolling average estimate of prevalence of the variant on that day |
#> |proportion |Estimated prevalence of a variant: lineage_count_rolling / total_count_rolling |
#> |proportion_ci_lower |95% confidence interval lower bound of estimated prevalence of a variant, calculated using Jeffrey's interval |
#> |proportion_ci_upper |95% confidence interval upper bound of estimated prevalence of a variant, calculated using Jeffrey's interval |
#> |total_count |Total number of samples sequenced on a given day |
#> |total_count_rolling |7 day rolling average of total samples sequenced on that day |